
Texts, preferences and photo's from users of both public and private profiles are entered without intervention of Snacc. Snacc can in no way guarantee the correctness of these data.

Snacc is in no way responsible for damages, both direct and indirect, financially or incidentally caused by the use of this website. Use your common sense, read our Safety and information page for tips!

Snacc is in no way responsible/involved in the meetings between members as a result of using the website.

Snacc has no influence and is not responsible for materials uploaded to the website and distributed by third parties.

Members can add Url's, social media accounts and other external links to their profiles on Snacc. Snacc is in no way responsible for the content on these links.

Snacc can at all times, without permission or prior warning, remove, ban or block users and profiles on its platform when the data appears to be incorrect, suspicious, or if it contains identifiable data, or if it contains texts that can be deemed harmful to others.

Snacc is absolved of all liability for all the possible damages caused, resulting from the use of its website and its services.

The terms and services, privacy and cookie statements can be changed at any time by Snacc. These changes are in effect the moment they are published on Snacc. We advise you to check these pages regularly.

Copyright and intellectual property

Snacc is a Trade Name. It is protected and registered at the Intellectual Property Office under dossier nr: 1425043

Snacc Konsept is the owner of all intellectual property rights concerning the name Snacc: the content and layout of the website, including but not limited by the texts, audio, images, photos, brands, logos, data, code and/or other materials. Nothing on the website may be used, copied or duplicated without written consent by Snacc Konsept.